Breadcrumbs from the Night Journey: The Taste of Darkness

بسم الله “When God wants to humiliate a servant, He conceals from him his faults, and when He wants His servant to triumph, He shows him his faults in order he may repent and relent.” Where do I begin? There is so much to say. It has been 3 years, but I’d love to start…

The Taste of Light

  Have you ever tasted 1,000 tahlils? What about 5,000 istighfars? What about several hundred salawats on the Nabi (saws)? What about the taste of a surat you never thought you’d read in Arabic? Because it was too big? Too long? Too overpowering? This year, I tasted these things for the first time. I tasted…

The Yellow Month

I was originally going to call this post “mellow yellow”, but after researching the perverse history of that word (please don’t look it up–curiosity killed the cat!), I couldn’t bring myself to use it to describe an Islamic month. So “The Yellow Month” will just have to do. When I looked up this month, most…