America’s Islamic Past?

When we were in Palestine a couple of months ago, I remember how astonished people were to find out that there was such a thing as indigenous American Muslims. For some reason, there’s a misconception running amuck overseas that all American Muslims are converts and need to be quizzed on their knowledge of certain surahs…

Reflections on International Women’s Day..and Muslim women who have inspired me

Today is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, a day globally designated for recognizing the accomplishments of women, past and present. Women have been devalued in so many ways across so many cultures throughout time that this day is a great way to bring some of the forgotten stories of noble women upfront and…

Reflections on Presidents’ Day…and what our founding fathers really thought about Islam

Today is the third Monday of February, which means it’s President’s Day, originally a celebration of George Washington’s birthday that turned into a day for all the presidents….and shopping for sales. So, usually, I don’t pay this “holiday” any mind because it’s never meant anything to me except a day off from school. And I’ve…