Circular Saturday

Today was a good day. But isn’t it always? It’s just our perception, perspective, and attitude about the day, during the day, that changes. A circle is a circle no matter where you stand in/on it. No matter your vantage point. Today, I saw the circle instead of imagined sharp edges. I felt some shame…

Have you heard?

…About my triple appearance in the current issue of Azizah magazine ((Vol.6 Issue 4)? If you haven’t already, please pick up a copy and see what I thought of the books Untold: A History of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad by Tamam Kahn and Hearts We Lost by Umm Zakiyyah, and see a SEVEN-PAGE feature…


Well, you’re hearing it here first now–I’m officially published! My name, thoughts, and words are in print! I can hardly believe it, but then I see those copies of that glossy magazine that greeted me in my mailbox this weekend…Check out the current issue of Azizah Magazine (Vol.6 Issue 2) to see book reviews and…