Where did the shaykhas go? Afterthoughts on Female Scholarship from the SG Retreat

I don’t know when I first heard the term “shaykha”. I think my friend was joking with me about how maybe one day I’d become one given the zeal I had as a new Muslim. She and her older brothers had taken to affectionately calling me “shaykha” because of that zeal. We laughed and kidded…

Day 6: Homecoming

Yesterday was a very bittersweet day. It was the day we left to go back to the “real” world–back to our homes to continue the journey on our own. In a way, I feel that we already were in the “real” world in Tennessee. We were doing things as they should have been done all…

Day 5: On Acceptance

Today has been a relaxing, but long day, so this message will be brief. But I’ve learned a lot about acceptance from all the teachers. For instance… We must accept the place that we are in life. We must accept the decree of Allah (swt) and His Wisdom in putting us in the particular situation…

Day 3: You are like the company you keep

Today was such a spiritually uplifting day. I feel that I’m receiving so much benefit here–from the sisterhood and brotherhood to the information from the lectures. MashAllah. Today I want to share snippets from a lecture from Shaykh Mohammed Mendes, entitled “The Qur’an on the Journey to Allah.” In it, he extolled a shaykh that…

Tying Up Loose Ends

It’s been quiet around here, I know, but I’ve been working on tying up some loose ends. We will be traveling to Coker Creek, Tennessee inshAllah on Friday for a 5-day spiritual retreat in the woods hosted by Seekers Guidance.  We will be high in the southern Appalachian Mountains in the company of such esteemed…