Blessed Rabbi ul Awwal…

It’s been a while, I know. There’s just too much to do and plan before baby #2 arrives in my book, so please forgive my absence…and the absence of notes from the Rihla (inshAllah I’ll start back on that someday…). But if I’m honest here, you probably won’t be hearing much from me unless there…

ISRA Retreat on Nawawi’s Arba’een: Hadith 35

I didn’t tell you that yesterday Noora danced in the middle of the dhikr circle. She stomped her feet to the beat of La ilaha il Allah, whirling dervish of nasheeds that she is. Today, the baby who has abducted my body for the past 4 months kicked and flipped for the first time (that…

Columbia, South Carolina, here we come!

Today we are making our way to Columbia, South Carolina for a two-day retreat of an in-depth study of Nawawi’s 40 Hadith compilation, or al Arba’een. Led primarily by Shaykh Manzar-ul-Islam Azhari and Shaykh Muhammad Mendes, and sponsored by ISRA International, this is the 8th annual winter retreat of its kind. Called Jewels of Mercy,…

Fire and clay

This past Sunday, I attended a SeekersCircle in my area (a halaqa sponsored by SeekersGuidance and the Ghazzali Centre with telecast lectures from scholars) which really spoke to my soul. We have been covering Al Ghazali’s Bidaya al Hidaya (The Beginning of Guidance), and most of the time, it is just emphatic reminders of things…

The 40

It’s late, but it’s still August 7th, and as promised, here are you notes from the Rihla. Since we last spoke, I was only able to watch one class, but inshAllah these notes are of benefit. The notes are from Imam Zaid Shakir’s class on Imam Al Ghazali’s text, Forty Foundations of the Religion. But…

America’s Islamic Past?

When we were in Palestine a couple of months ago, I remember how astonished people were to find out that there was such a thing as indigenous American Muslims. For some reason, there’s a misconception running amuck overseas that all American Muslims are converts and need to be quizzed on their knowledge of certain surahs…

Lunar Eclipse!

“We were with Allah’s Apostle when the sun eclipsed. Allah’s Apostle stood up dragging his cloak till he entered the Mosque. He led us in a two-Rakat prayer till the sun (eclipse) had cleared. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, ‘The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of someone’s death. So whenever you see…

Day 6: Homecoming

Yesterday was a very bittersweet day. It was the day we left to go back to the “real” world–back to our homes to continue the journey on our own. In a way, I feel that we already were in the “real” world in Tennessee. We were doing things as they should have been done all…

Day 5: On Acceptance

Today has been a relaxing, but long day, so this message will be brief. But I’ve learned a lot about acceptance from all the teachers. For instance… We must accept the place that we are in life. We must accept the decree of Allah (swt) and His Wisdom in putting us in the particular situation…

Day 3: You are like the company you keep

Today was such a spiritually uplifting day. I feel that I’m receiving so much benefit here–from the sisterhood and brotherhood to the information from the lectures. MashAllah. Today I want to share snippets from a lecture from Shaykh Mohammed Mendes, entitled “The Qur’an on the Journey to Allah.” In it, he extolled a shaykh that…